Meditation Spell

Meditation is a practice, and the more you do it, the easier it is to slip into that quiet space inside. Perform this ritual at least once a week, though meditating daily or several times a week is always the goal.

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Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. A pair of earbud headphones can help drown out any unwanted noise. I usually listen to calming music or frequencies. There are tons available for free on YouTube or Spotify.

As you light your candle ask it to aid you in finding calmness and quiet. Speak this request aloud to your candle even if it feels strange or goofy. Always speak your magic.

Sit with the candle and stare into the flame and watch it dance. Use this time to connect and see your candle as a living creature. This creature will help you forge a bond with that quiet part of self.

Meditation is not “thinking about nothing.” Meditation is a way to get control over your thoughts and ego. Often our brains are working overtime creating an ongoing narrative. Our mental narrators are lovely and helpful in so many ways, but understanding that we can control and direct them is the crucial exercise of meditation.

As you sit quietly with your candle acknowledge any thoughts that come up. Naming them might be helpful. This is fear. This is anxiety. This is me having an imaginary mental conversation with someone. This is anger. As you name or identify each thought, let go of judgment. Acknowledge the feeling and let it go. See it as a cloud drifting by. After naming each thought and letting it go, return to your breath and the candle.

When I’m finished meditating and visualizing, I like to let the candle burn for another hour or so in the room I am in. I imagine the candle filling the space with magic and the magic seeping into every fiber of my being, into my clothes, my skin, my hair. I imagine the candle forming a bond between my quieter self and me.

Try to perform this ritual once a week until the candle is gone. When the candle is gone keep the stone on your altar or in your pocket. The stone capture the essence of the ritual and can act as a talisman if you wish. Or click here for instructions on turning your candle into a spell jar!

Additional Exercises

There are endless ways to meditate. These are just a few examples.

Mantra Meditation

Find a word the resonates with you and chant it. “Om” is a popular mantra, though there are many more. Draw the word out until it almost a monotone song. Play with the word and feel it's power.

Prayer or Meditation Beads

A rosary or a string of mala beads are typical and can be found in most religious or metaphysical shops. Or use any beaded necklace. For each bead, slowly breath in and out. I find that the physicality of the beads in my hands keeps me focused and grounded. Go around the string concentrate on your breathing as long as you wish. I often do one or two rotations of the beads.

Energy or Chakra Point Balancing

Many cultures identify energy points in the body. Chakras are one popular way of identifying specific energy fields in your body but feel inspired to feel out your energy points.

Close your eyes or unfocus your gaze. Go deep within yourself and honestly feel your body. Are there any places of power? Like your palms? Your third eye? I find there is a place between my shoulder blades that resonates power as well as some of the traditional energy points.

Focus on each point in turn and as you breathe in and out visualize this point becoming open and free—much like you would relax a muscle. If you need to move your body to relax and align the points psychically, please feel free to do so.