Manifestation Spell

This candle magick ritual is best performed as a series of rituals during the waxing moon with a final ritual on the full moon. Please feel inspired to carve runes into the wax. Offerings to spirits or deities are also good additions to the ritual space. A pen and paper is recommended.

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*A note about manifestation magic and intentions: the more of yourself you put into these rituals, the better the results. Magic looks for the path of least resistance, the more work you put in to start the process, the easier the universe will have in executing your desires. When you set your intention for this ritual, be as clear and precise as possible. If you want money, what do you want the money for? If you want a job, why do you want this job? Be honest and transparent with yourself.

Find a quiet place and gather a notebook and pen. Take a moment to think or 3 or 7 words that clearly and precisely state your intent and insert them in the blanks below. Examples: “attracting a partner who I can be open and trusting with” “growing my business to make X amount of money a year” “traveling to X destination of vacation” “buying a new home in X place.”

I cannot stress enough that you should be clear and precise. If you can’t be clear and precise, then take some time to think deeper.

Speak these words to your candle. I think saying these words out loud is the most important part, even if it feels goofy, or you need to whisper them. Speak your magic.

“Creature of wax and wick please aid me in ____”

“Creature of earth and herb please aid me in ____"

“Creature of stone and bone please aid me in ____”

And then as you light it “Creature of fire, please kindle this flame and aid me in ____”

Sit with the candle and meditate. I like to stare into the flame and watch it dance. Use this time to connect and see your candle as a living creature. As you sit with the candle think about your manifestation and the steps that would get you to your goal.

Write the steps down in your journal or on paper. Don’t worry about putting them in the correct order right now; just write what comes to mind. When you feel like you’ve written every step start a new page and put them in order. Don’t leave out anything even if it feels mundane. If you're trying for a job, the first step might be proof-reading your resume. The second is reading classifieds. And so on…

Once the items are in order, visualize each step. Don’t see yourself from an outside source; make sure your visualization is through your eyes. Include as many details as possible, what does it feel like, smell like, taste like?

After I’m finished meditating and visualizing, I like to let the candle burn for another hour or so in the room I am in. I imagine the candle filling the space with magic and the magic seeping into every fiber of my being, into my clothes, my skin, my hair.

While the candle is burning is a great time to work on the first steps of you goal. As you perform any small actions towards your goal make sure to embrace their magic fully. Just as you fully visualized the senses of each step, connect to that same source and feel what the journey to your dream feels like. Step into that power.

It's also an excellent time to create an affirmation. When writing your statement write from the perspective of your goals completion. Examples: “I am part of a loving and trusting relationship” “my business makes X amount of money a year” “I am traveling in X” “I own a home in X place.” Say aloud these affirmations or repeatedly write them down. Feel inspired to write or say many different but similar affirmations in a row.

Try to perform this ritual once a week until the candle is gone. Each time you come back to this ritual light your candle asking each component to assist you with your desires. Then visualize each steps completion and draw on the power from the steps you have already completed yourself. In essence, you are trying to draw a map to your goal and forging a bond between your actions and the end goal.

When the candle is gone keep the stone on your altar or in your pocket. The stone capture the essence of the ritual and can act as a talisman if you wish. Or click here for instructions on turning your candle into a spell jar!

Additional Exercises

  • Think of obstacles that are keeping you from your goals. Write them on a bay leaf or a piece of paper and burn them away. Visualize these obstacles melting away. Throw the ashes out the back door or flush them down the toilet.

  • Write a petition to your deities or spirit guides for their help. Your petition will be similar to the intention you set in your candle. This time write it on a loose piece of paper. Cover the paper with the petition again and again. Once it's covered, turn it clockwise and write your petition again. Write over the words from the first time. Keep turning the paper in a clockwise direction and filling it until it is completely covered. Roll or fold the paper and keep it on your altar or sacred space.

  • Celebrate your successes. As you get closer to your goal take time to celebrate and revel in your power. Reward yourself with a glass of wine, a bubble bath, or a good meal. Honor and thank the candle, spirits, or deities you were working with. You can do this with words or if you feel comfortable with physical offerings of food and drink.

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