Grounding Spell

Perform this ritual whenever needed. Please feel inspired to add more crystals or stones to the ritual. Jasper, obsidian, jet, and hematite are all great grounding stones. Bringing houseplants into your space or perform the ritual outside for best results. Sage and sandalwood are good grounding and cleansing incenses.


As you light your candle ask it to aid you in grounding and centering your spirit. Speak this wish aloud to your candle even if it feels awkward or you need to whisper your words. Always speak your magic. There is power in words.

Sit with the candle and meditate for a few minutes. I like to stare into the flame and watch it dance. Use this time to connect and see your candle as a living creature. Take slow deep breathes and focus your attention on the candle.

Notice what parts of your body are touching the ground. Feel this solid weight beneath you. If you are standing fell the ground through all four corners of your feet. If you are sitting or laying down, feel each separate part of your body that is touching the floor. Find strength in this connection.

Visualize roots growing from your body and extending into the earth. With each breath, visualize the roots growing deeper into the ground. Revel in your connection with the earth, and the universe; feel the foundation of the earth beneath you.

Feel your anxieties and fears draining away. Let the power of the earth filter away any negative energy. Stay here as long as you are able. Breathe in the calming connection to the earth, breathe out your anxiety. Focus on your breathe like a pump that is filtering your energy and the earth’s energy together.

Being grounded is not about just feeling calm and chill. But rather it comes from our connection to all things. To be grounded is to feel interwoven into the very fabric of the cosmos. Find grace and support in this connection.

After I’m finished meditating and visualizing, I like to let the candle burn for another hour or so in the room I am in. I imagine the candle filling the space with magic and the magic seeping into every fiber of my being, into my clothes, my skin, my hair.

Perform this ritual as often as needed until the candle is gone. When the candle is gone keep the stone on your altar or in your pocket. The stone capture the essence of the ritual and can act as a talisman if you wish. Or click here for instructions on turning your candle into a spell jar!

Additional Exercises

  • Use this time to journal your fears and anxieties. After you’ve written them down in a journal, tear the page out and burn it or throw it away. Release that which does not serve you.

  • Take a bath with Epsom salts or herbs. I like to bring the candle into the bathroom with me. Let the salt water cleanse your skin. As you drain the bath visualize all your negative energy going down the drain to be filtered away by the earth.

  • Use sound to clear unwanted energy. Drum, chant, ring bells, or use singing bowls to push the negative energy away. If chanting, I like to use a mantra that reminds me of my connection to nature. I am not just on earth; I am part of the earth. I am part of nature and the universe. I am an equal part of the living, breathing organism that is the universe.

  • If you're outside, put your bare skin or feet on the grass. Feel your connection with the divine universe. The atoms that are in your body, in the grass, in the soil are all the same. Look up to the sky and see the sun or stars and know that you to are made of the same stuff.

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