Divination Spell

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Bring your a notebook and your divination method of choice. If you’ve never worked with any divination methods I recommend a basic Ryder Waite Smith deck of tarot cards. This deck is public domain and can be downloaded and printed yourself.


I like to cleanse the space with incense and music. This is a sacred time of reflection and contemplation and the more power you give it, the more you will get out it. Please feel inspired to add items to the space that make it feel more sacred to you.

Light the candle and ask it to help you make a connection with your divination tool of choice. It’s important to say these words out loud to your candle, even if it feels goofy, or you need to whisper them. Speak your magic. 

Sit with the lit candle for a few minutes and meditate. I like to stare into the flame and watch it dance. Use this time to connect and see your candle as a living creature.

Visualize the candle as a power source for the work you are about to do. See it’s illumination as a literal illumination of the unseen as if it’s light and power take you to another space and time where you can see more clearly. Sometimes I hold my divination tool in my hand at the edge of the heat source of the candle and visualize it bonding the tool to my hand.  

When you feel adequately connected with your candle and divination tool begin your reading. Use your notebook to journal and reflect on the reading. Do not edit your words; let them flow from you as unaltered as possible. Divination tools are just that, tools—you are the real magic here. Connect with your divine source and let your divinity flow.

After I’m finished, I like to let the candle burn for another hour or two in the room I am in. I imagine the candle filling the space with magic and the magic seeping into every fiber of my being, into my clothes, my skin, my hair.

Perform this ritual as often as needed until the candle is gone. When the candle is gone keep the stone on your altar or in your pocket. The stone capture the essence of the ritual and can act as a talisman if you wish. Or click here for instructions on turning your candle into a spell jar!