Spell Jars
I almost always start a spell jar with a jar candle. Yes, spell and ritual candles are what I make…. but there is a reason I make them. So before your spell jar, start with some candle magick. (I have a guide if you want to start there) This will build the energy for the final spell and it will also give you the time to gather your ingredients. I like to lay my ingredients around the jar like little offerings before the final ritual when I combine them all together.
Turn your jar candle into a spell jar
Spell jars are pretty simple and can be really powerful. I like to start mine when there is a ½ inch of wax in the bottom, and the wick is still burning. This seals some of my first ingredients in wax and allows me to burn items right in the jar.
The basic steps are:
Define your intention
Choose your ingredients
Charge items and fill the jar
Seal and decorate
Meditate with it
Find a place for it.
I think the most important part is how much intention I put into it. The more I plan and create, the better the spell works. All that effort and intention really pulls together many disparate parts of my magic craft.
Above all else, my best advice is to follow your gut!
Define your intention
It's best to focus on similar energy and intention for your spell jar. If you were working with an abundance candle spell, continue with an abundance spell jar.
I like to start with candle magick because it gives me time to really define what I want. The biggest part of doing magic is knowing what you want and why. I use this time to journal and meditate on my desires. I also like to design sigils, craft affirmations, and write petitions. Many of these items will be combined in the final jar.
When thinking about your intention make sure you are specific and realistic. You want your intention to be a fully realized goal.
Choose your ingredients
There are thousands of honey pot and spell jar recipes on the web. I feel they work best when I rely on my intuition to pick ingredients. It's like the spell begins as soon as I start mixing ingredients in my head. The more I think about the entire process, the better the results. Below are just some examples of things you can put in. Really there is no limit as long as it fits in the container.
The one thing to note is if an item already has a powerful connection with you, it is much stronger than one you just buy. Petals from a flower your beloved bought are far stronger than flowers you picked up on the way home from work. Not to say that they can't have power, but look for things that mean something first.
Herbs, grains, leaves, flowers - Everything from dry herbs you ground up in a mortar and pestle to fresh herbs you grew especially for this spell. Maybe add flowers you picked from somewhere special, or pressed leaves from a spring tree, or dried flowers from a bouquet.
Coins, money, or small charms - If you're doing a money spell you might want to add some coins or cash. For luck maybe a coin with the year of your birth, or a penny you found heads-up, small charms or beads from an old bracelet,
Egg shells, feathers, bones, snake skins - I prefer ethically sourced animal items or ones where I have a personal connection to the animal. I often use eggs for ancestor offerings and then put them in the jar connecting the offering with the jar.
Crystals, stones, or seashells
Intentions, petitions, sigils, or affirmations - Words are power. I almost always include a rolled up bit of paper with something on it. I also like to draw sigils on the outside or in the wax seals. You can paint words and sigils on the jar as well.
Oils, tinctures, herbal infusions – try making an herbal blend or tincture.
Honey or sugar water – Always good for attracting things.
Vinegar, ammonia, urine – are all very powerful liquids for cleansing, protecting and keeping someone at bay.
Hair, nail trimmings, spit, blood, or a photo – just be sure it's a spell or intention you want to tie to yourself. Or you want to tie your magic to someone else.
Glitter or confetti – celebrate or receive love
Charge items and fill the jar
As you place each item in the jar speak its magic. Say why you're putting it in the jar. Say what you want it to do for you. Charge it with your energy, breath, or words. Or leave it out in the moonlight or sunlight.
You might want to pay attention to the magical significance of the cosmos when you are assembling your jar. What sign is the moon in? What is the planetary ruler of the day? This in itself can be a rabbit hole depending on how deep you want to get. But being mindful of the planetary ruler or the day and where the moon is a good start.
Seal and decorate the jar
After you have filled the jar seal it to make it one cohesive piece. Sealing it with wax is a common way. You can also wrap it in ribbon or string. Maybe use a mantra or chant as you wrap each layer of string. Try something sticky like duct tape if you're doing a binding spell. Or you can paint and decorate the outside of the jar. Just remember the outside of the jar can be just as important as the inside.
Meditate with it
Now that your jar is finished hold it in your hands and meditate with it. You may want to work with the jar over, or one sitting might be plenty. I usually feel pretty good after one meditation period. You are trying to connect and power the jar.
Find a place for it.
There are endless things to do with your spell jar when done. If you are leaving it in the wild, consider that this is littering.
place on an altar – to continue working with it
bury it in your yard – in the backyard to keep something close, near or around your front door to attract something
place in your house - concealed in clothes, in your underwear jar, by your hearth, at the four corners of the house
put it in the freezer – to stop or freeze something in place
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Spell Jar Supplies
Ingredients for your own spells
Spell Candles
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