Candle Magick
Candle magic is about remembering the sacred flame and using it as a focus. By connecting to one of our oldest and ancient sources of wonder and innovation, we build off the rituals that came before. Fire has been the center of stories and culture. Its importance is without question. It is spirit and passion, a warm hearth, a cooked meal. But it can also be a destructive force. One that burns and consumes. I mention all of these things simply because it is so important to hold them in your mind as you work with it.
When we make magic, we are drawing on a long line of symbolism and culture and treating it with reverence. When you light your candle, mentally connect it to every other candle that has been lit since the dawn of time. Your fire is their fire. It's the fire of movement and life. This is magic.
At its base, candle magic is that simple. Light any candle and connect it with your words and thoughts to the sacred. You can go to any store, and buy any candle, and have this whole thing work. And I say this as a candle seller.
BUT. And you knew there was a but. The more we put into our workings, the more likely we will see results. Think of it like rolling dice. You wish to roll a six. If you roll one die, you have a one in six chance. (I'm sure a statistician can correct me, but you get the idea) If we add more dice, we are more likely to get better results. Obviously, it is not this simple, but I know from experience when I put more into my workings, the more I get from it. I'm not saying to light 100 candles or add 100 different herbs, I'm saying that the more care and intention we add, the better the results.
It is said that the moment you start thinking about a ritual or spell, it begins. The creation begins when we start to weave together multiple layers of symbology. You'll notice on my spells page instead of giving you absolute instructions I will often list out different options. Spells are not exact recipes. They are creative acts. If I told you the exact words, the precise items, then you wouldn't be involved. I want you to be a part of this, for it is your spell.
The following are some suggestions for ways to add to your candle magic. Work with each and see how they feel.
Add runes - Fine a rune that resonates with you or create your own sigil. Carve it into the side or top of the candle during the ritual. It's okay to draw your symbol on a piece of paper, but do the actual carving right before lighting. If you are using powders, rub the powders into the rune as well.
Anoint with oils - You can buy anointing oils online or make them yourself. To make your own, add a few drops of essential oils to a carrier oil like olive or jojoba. You can also find recipes for famous anointing oils like Abramlin oil online. If you are making your own oil, make it with as much intention as the candle magick process. This is all part of the spell.
Root powders - Root powders, especially colored ones, can be used to rub into the runes you carve. A bright red root powder can redden a rune. I take a bit on my finger, grind it into the rune as I speak my words.
Herbs or resins - My candles usually have 2-3 corresponding herbs, But feel inspired to add your own. There are a myriad of websites and books with magical herb correspondences. Or use your instincts. Be advised that herbs and some resins are very flammable. Always attend your candle when lit.
Lighting the Spell
The only required step is to light your candle with purpose and power. The exactness of the words or things said matters less than the reverence and intention behind it. At the moment of lighting the flame, I would call out to each item of the ritual in turn. "Creature of wax and wick, please aid me in ____" "Creature of fire and flame, please aid me in ___" Then calling out to the oils, the herbs, the powders, the runes, the tool that I use to carve the rune and so on. If I am aligning my spell with an astrological event such as a full moon or planetary day, I would also name them.
As you do these things speak your words aloud. Allow the world to hear the vibration of your desires. Making your thoughts manifest by bringing them into the physical realm is an essential step in the process.
Once the candle is lit, I like to sit and meditate or journal on what I'm trying to accomplish. Magic is not necessarily set it and forget it. Magic is about agency and honesty. Lighting the candle and making our desires known was our agency. Now for our honesty. It's good to spend some time being contemplating what you want and why. This can help refine your focus, add to the spell, and help you learn any lessons that might be needed to move forward.
Let your candle burn for a few hours. I do this to create power, but also to allow the flame to dance and sing. In a way, it's almost like an offering to the candle.
Come back and repeat this process every few days or once a week. Now that the candle is assembled as one piece, I only invoke the candle and the flame at the time of lighting. The herbs, oils, runes, or any other additions are now part of the creature. They are one being that is making magic on your behalf.
You can, however, add to your followup rituals. Light your incense from the flame and spread the magic through the air. Use the wax from the candle to seal a petition. Use the crystal or stone when you are done as a talisman. Turn the candle jar into a spell jar.
With sustained devotion, you can roll one spell into another. I believe in constant workings that morph and change over time. I find them far more effective than a one-off spell. Maybe that's why I keep coming back to candle magic. It allows me to relight the ritual again and again. Good luck and please use the comment box below for questions
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