House Blessing Spell
A blessing spell calls the divine light into a space or object. It reaches both forward and backward in time by cleaning the past and enchanting the future. We ask the space to be sanctified and protected against evil and disease.
It is also a promise. In exchange for protection and blessings, we promise that we will use the space or object for good. We bless a temple before our worship, and we consecrate a tool before using it in a ritual. We are elevating the object or space into the light of the divine with purpose. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enchant and bless your home. It means you should do it with spirit and intention.
Use Words and Prayer
Words—especially spoken words—are one of the oldest and strongest forms of magic. When someone sneezes, without thinking we offer a small blessing. It is considered a common courtesy but the intention is a small blessing for a healthy future.
I like to use a mixture of prayers that resonate with me and free-spoken words. Most grimoires are composed of Christian prayers and psalms. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone when looking for a prayer or as a base for creating your own. If you are feeling odd about using a Christian prayer, replace God/Lord with Universe/Spirit.
Start with "In love and power I ask my allies and ancestors to bless this place/item."
Then if I have any prayers or psalms I’m working with I will then recite those
Then I end with free-spoken blessings and prayers. If it’s my home I may speak conversationally about what I want the future here to look like. If it was an object, I would speak about the work I wish to do with it. At first, my speech can a bit stumbling or slow, but before I know it the words are flowing out of me. I highly recommend it.
Use Offerings
Part of your promise of a blessing or consecration is that you are elevating the item for divine use. By giving regular offerings and creating altars, you are making it sacred. I like to find a small bowl or vessel for offerings. Depending on the importance of the work, I’d either give daily or weekly gifts.
Let your instinct guide you on what to offer. Coins, buttons, flowers, candies, and herbs are all lovely offerings. You can burn incense as an offering or set out a chalice of water or wine. In a pinch I have rubbed my hands together to create friction and then offered the heat energy of my hands.
The offering is less important than the intention behind it. You can place the items around the candle or make a special altar. If I am blessing an item, I would make that item a centerpiece of the altar and place the offerings around it.
When you give the offering make sure to use words to dedicate it. I like to make note that the offerings are a way of showing respect, gratitude, and supplication.
Anoint with water and/or oils
Water is life. We’ve used sacred liquids as part of ceremonies for centuries. Floor wash, holy water, anointing oils, perfume, salt water, or moon water are powerful additions to your blessing ritual.
If you are blessing your house you might consider a Florida water floor wash. Sprinkling holy water, salt water or moon water throughout the house is another way to cleanse and bless. Anointing oils applied to candles or tools consecrates and adds the energy or the oil to the working. I’m including a few recipes below, but get creative.
Floor wash - add 1/2 cup of Florida water or holy water to a bucket before washing your floors and walls. You can make your own by boiling lemons, oranges and lavender in water for 20 minutes. Add a few drops of essential oil to kick up the scent as needed.
Moon water - leave a bottle filled with fresh water out overnight during the full moon.
Ambralin Anointing oil - Use Myrrh, Cinnamon, Cassia, and either Galangal or Calamus root. Mix together and store in olive oil on your altar. Can be used to anoint tools or candles. Because of the cinnamon, it’s not advised to put it on your skin.
Salt Water - dissolve a bit of salt into a small bowl of water. Bless the water then sprinkle in each room of the house.
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