Healing Spell
This ritual might be best performed over two days, with the release on a Saturday-the day of Saturn, then the healing on a Sunday-the day of the sun. Or just perform the entire ritual on a Sunday. If you feel inclined, bring in sounds of water, apples, fresh flowers, or floral incense to the ritual space.
To be clear, this candle should NOT be used in place of professional help by a doctor or therapist. This candle is designed to assist with the mental and emotional healing involved with injury or trauma.
Create a circle
We are creating a womb-like or safe environment to release and then reclaim our health. You can make the circle from a set of stones that have been washed in a stream, salt, candles, or simply draw the circle with a pointed finger or athame. The size of it does not matter as long as there is enough room for you inside it. Often I work with about a 5-foot circle. Just enough for a few items and my meditation cushion.
As you lay out the circle, work in a clockwise fashion. Try to visualize creating a circle of brilliant light. Speak aloud as you make your circle. "I define this space as a place of healing and peace. A sacred space outside of time." Make sure you are on the inside of the circle as you draw it.
Before the healing can take place, we must release the pain or injury. This is about acknowledging that something happened (physically or emotionally) and letting it go. We can't change what happened. We can't rewrite the past, but we can let go.
Releasing and healing can take time. Don't expect to get through all of it in one session, you will have to continue to work at it. This step is incredibly personal and subjective to the type of injury. Instead of instructing you on one way to do this, I will give several suggestions. Choose one or several that resonate with you.
Journal about your injury or trauma then rip those pages up and burn them.
Allow yourself to cry. We often hold back tears because we think we are dramatic, or too much, but you're in a safe space now. Let yourself really cry... like ugly-cry. Feel the hurt and pain and let it drain out of you
Starting at your feet and working up through your body relax each body part one at a time. As you relax, each body part feel the tension and pain releasing. You have the power to physically and mentally let go of this pain.
Focus on your breath. Breathe in love and forgiveness, breathe out pain and trauma. Do this for several minutes.
After you've released, we can replace it with what we want. You never want to leave an empty vacuum of intention. If you let go of something, make sure to bring in something. Magic and intention are about defining your life and space.
Sit with your spine straight in a chair or on a cushion. Focus on the space above the crown of your head and feel the energy there. This is the divine energy of the universe. Take a moment to feel it's healing light before you start to pull it down. This source is always there, all you have to do is call it home.
Slowly pull the light down through your body. Take your time and feel it move down through your spine and into all the spaces in your body. Let it's glowing love and kindness wrap around every cell of your being. Allow it to heal you.
Take as long as you need with this step. Get to know this energy and how it feels so that you can call upon it whenever you need.
As I close down my circle, I like to imagine the protective energy that formed the circle transferring to my body like a shell. I imagine popping a bubble and the mist of energy settling on the outside of me. You've done a lot of work on releasing and replacing energy in your body, setting up a low-level protection is a good idea.
Try to perform this ritual once a week until the candle is gone. When the candle is gone keep the stone on your altar or in your pocket. The stone capture the essence of the ritual and can act as a talisman if you wish. Or click here for instructions on turning your candle into a spell jar!
Do a full cleanse with smoke or shower – Before your ritual cleanse your body with a shower, smoke, or sound. During the ceremony, we are trying to create a womb-like space. If you feel comfortable, enter the ritual space naked as the day you were born.
Calling in the quarters – Calling upon the elements of the cardinal directions is a more advanced circle casting. Starting in the east ask the forces of air to aid and help you in creating this sacred space. Speak aloud at each of the elements/directions. East is air, south is fire, west is water, and the north is earth. As you work with each element, try to feel the power and essence of each one. Air is words, wind, breath. Fire is sunlight for plants, how we cook, spirit, and will. Water is nourishing, healing, and emotion, it rules the unseen and intuitive. Earth is a grounding and protective force that comforts and provides for all life.
Enchant a bottle of lotion with protection/healing - Bring a bottle of your favorite lotion into the ritual. As you call in the healing energy hold the bottle in your hand and allow the energy to flow through the container as well.
Add in prayer – Prayer is an incredibly powerful tool of healing. There are thousands of prayers for all different denominations, or if you feel inspired, you can write your own prayer. Whichever you choose I suggest picking one and using the same one each time. Pour yourself into the prayer and let the words vibrate through you.
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