Creating An Altar

My altars are ever-evolving spaces. Some of them are small, just a collection of objects that mean something to me. Some of them are dedicated to certain spirits or workings. And some are simple and plain like my meditation altar. But all of them bring me great joy and peace. And all of them are integral to my practice as a witch.  


I started with one in my bedroom. At first, it was a pretty scarf, a plate with a leaf imprint on it, a candle, and a cup of water. Over time I added a small bowl of salt, some flowers, a picture, and crystals. I removed things, added things, and moved things. Sometimes this was a conscious choice during the new moon (new moon, new me!) and sometimes it was something I did instinctively.   

As I loosened up to the practice, other altars sprung up in my home. My meditation altar was next-- simple and small place where I could store incense, my journal, and some tarot cards or books of poetry. This altar is a place of reflection and gratitude. The altar in my bedroom is the focus of what I'm manifesting. I have a place for offerings to spirits and a few small spaces throughout the house to keep the energy calm and peaceful.  

There is no right or wrong way to make a scared space. Your altar should live and breathe your magic. It should enchant you and remind you that anything is possible...that the placement of a crystal, the flame of a candle, the setting of intention has the power to change your world. It helps to keep you connected to your intentions, the divine, and serve as a reminder that life is worth celebrating.  

I include some tips below, but please, please, please allow yourself to make this space your own. The magic is in the making. My hope is to inspire you, not to instruct you.  


First clear and clean your space  

This is the only step that's required. Before setting up your sacred space, make sure you clear and clean it. Not only should you psychically wipe down the area to clean it, but also clean it energetically. Use smoke, sprays, or sound to clear it. An altar is a way to hold space for things in our life. It is a physical representation of the life you have and want, so you want to start on the right foot.  


Pick a theme  

In the examples above, I talked about some different altars. My meditation altar is for peace and reflection. My bedroom altar is for working and manifestation. I have another altar for spirit offerings. I'm not saying you need multiple shrines, but by choosing a theme, you focus your intention. Some ideas might be peace, protection, healing, devotion, manifestation, gratitude, strength, inspiration.   


Represent the elements  

This is where I started: a clay plate with a leaf imprint for the earth, a chalice for water, incense for air, and a candle for fire. The only thing I bought for this was the chalice, and I got it for a dollar at Goodwill. Don't think you need to buy a bunch of stuff to make this work. And I say this as someone who sells things to witches! Part of creating a sacred space is seeing the symbolism in items. What items do you already have to represent the elements?  


Work with certain Gods or Goddesses  

The best thing about a witch is there are no rules. You can look to different Gods or Goddesses and work with those aspects. I started by merely printing pictures of them and placing them near a candle dedicated to them. When working with a God or Goddess, be intentional about your choice.  


Keep your journal  


A magical journal is one of my most powerful tools. I keep track of any magick I'm working with, dreams, ambitions, knowledge, prayers. Witchcraft doesn't come with a manual; you have to write your own. I keep my journal on my altar to both honor its importance in my practice and to keep it near when I'm meditating.   


Honor your ancestors  

You can place photos or mementos from loved ones or ancestors in your space to remind you that you come from a long, long, long line of ancestors. They are part of you. Honor this chain of life with offerings, objects, or photos.  


Make it a space for candle magick 

You know I'm all about candle magick! When I'm working with a particular intention, I usually place that candle prominently on my altar. I may surround it with crystals. Or if I know I'm going to turn my candle into a spell jar, I might put some of those items near it as well. (You can read about spell jars here)  


Make a crystal grid  

There are many, many online tutorials and books on this. I mostly use my intuition and place crystals and stones around my altar with what feels and looks right. If you google crystal grids, you might come across grids that include 20+ stones. Don't think you need to wait till you have a collection like that. I work with 1-3 crystals at a time. For example, my meditation altar usually just has a palm stone for meditating.   


Charge your magical tools (jewelry, tarot, crystals, wands)  


I often wear specific pieces of jewelry for particular intentions. Lune Innate has a great video about it here.  Before wearing them, I will place the jewelry on the altar to honor it and allow it to soak up all the delicious energy and intentions there. I do the same thing with my atheme, or tarot deck. What you put on your altar will be honored.  


Celebrate the seasons  

Finding a connection to the earth is so vital in witchcraft. We find it through the cycles of the moon and the changing of the seasons. You can use color, plants, stones, colored candles to represent the world around you. How do the seasons represent specific intentions? Spring might be suitable for planting seeds and rebirth, summer for cultivation, fall for letting go, and winter for reflection.  


Charge your altar  

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, your altar is a workspace. It's a space you hold to connect with the divine in your life. By chanting, meditating, praying, and using the area regularly, you transform it from a table with just stuff into a space of creation and worship. You're feeding your altar, and in turn, it feeds your spirit.