Full Moon in Cancer 2020

This full moon might feel a bit more tender with Cancer being a water sign. Cancer is often called the mother of the zodiac and is known as a nurturing sign. It can also be very protective of close family and friends. It is a sign that values home and family. Coming off the new moon/solar eclipse in Capricorn and it's harsh lessons, it feels like a good time to lay down some protection and blessings for the new year.


We currently have a stellium of 5 planets in Capricorn, including Capricorn's ruler Saturn. With the Sun, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury in Jupiter all hanging out in Capricorn, there is a lot of ruling energy swirling about.

This might feel a bit overwhelming. Emotional Cancer is occupying our unconscious, while Capricorn dominates the rest of the sky. It might give the sense that we have our parents staring over our shoulders. Luckily, we are at a significant part of the yearly cycle to take these ruling energies and direct them to good use.

Be raw and truthful with yourself

Cancer is the sincerest and most emotional of all zodiac signs. Looking at the astrology forecast for this year ahead, it's not going to be an easy year for people. That doesn't mean you should pack away your plans for being That Bitch in 2020. It means we should be honest with ourselves. Not that build yourself up honesty, or the tear yourself down kind, but the cold, raw truth.

Spend some time alone or with a journal and really strip yourself down. We get so busy projecting who we think we should be, that we don't let ourselves be entirely and totally raw. No one needs to know your answers to these questions, but you.

Some journaling suggestions:

  • What are you neglecting?

  • What are your overindulging?

  • What nourishes you?

  • What supports?

  • How can you best direct and use this nurturing and protective energy?

Cleanse and Bless your Home

Cleaning house— both physically and spiritually— is a great way to start out the new year. There is a whole post on my spell blog about blessing spells if you want to get more in-depth.

Spend a bit of extra time tidying up your living space. Then use the cleansing tool of your choice, either smoke, sprays, or sound. Bonus points for using more than one. Walk around your house in a clockwise direction.

Speak your banishment out loud as you walk. "I cleanse this house. Spirit of smoke/spray/sound aid me in clearing this space. I ask all negative energies and spirits to move on. There is no place for you here." Open a back door or rear window to let out what you just cleansed.

Once you are working with a blank slate, we want to set the stage for the new year. Let's lay down some protective blessings.

Get a small bowl of water and add salt. Bring the container close to your mouth and speak into the water. "I sanctify and bless this water. In love and power, I ask my allies and ancestors for your protection and blessings. Spirit of water and salt aide me in guarding and protecting this place." Now walk from room to room, sprinkling a bit of water as you go about. This time move in a counter-clockwise direction, opening your front door and letting in the good.

No matter how you choose to honor this Cancer full moon. Be gentle with yourself. Peel back your layers and look at what your bringing to the table in 2020. Who is your family? Where is your home? And what are you doing to protect and nurture these spaces?

Bright blessings to you in this new year!